Kick-start your Generative AI journey with Zinger

We help build Smart and Safe business apps powered by LLMs

Are you excited about Generative AI but confused where to start?

Here are the key decisions to be made before you start.



Identify a problem

Generative AI has immense potential to solve unsolved business problems.

However, its output is probabilistic in nature and needs to be refined with guard rails.

It is also important to select a use-case that can be reviewed and improved by internal users.



Identify a model

There are many Generative AI models one can use. Some are free, downloadable, and for commercial use. Some are available through APIs.

Decision to start with a model depends on your use-cases’ confidentiality, capability, and commercial needs.



Prototype and test

Generative AI models need to be trained iteratively with prompts and feedback to achieve an acceptable level of accuracy. 

Training also involves defining the don’ts ensuring that its output is not offensive and misleading.

Let Zinger bring your smart ideas to life, quickly

See how Generative AI can help with Product Sales 

See how "Generative AI" can help with Sales and Support Assistance

Personalize by role, segment, product.
Area of improvement identification and recommendation.​
Conversational Training Experience via​ Virtual Assistants
Sentiment Analysis​
Navigational Query​Response
Top objections, questions, issues, products sales.​
Organize Training
​- what to know​
-what to ask​
-what to say
Voice / Video recording and AI based evaluation​
Transactional Query Automation
Recommendations based on sales and customer support KPI gaps.​
Scenarios simulation on top objections/ issue handling ​
Record and recommend best practices proactively.
Generate learning topics from each conversations
Voice / Video recording and peer evaluation​
Data Query Response​
Recommendations based on Customer feedback​
Did you know​
Digital interactions via messages on best practices​
Proactive agent assist- what to say, what to ask, what to do.​
Customer Conversation Analysis​
Scenario Simulation and assessment​
Content Query Response (training and prior ticket)​
Recommendation based on Pulse check on issues faced​
Flash Quiz​
Peer recommendation based on similar ticket/call success​
Generate insights from transaction data for action recommendation​
Conversational Onboarding ​
Practice Based learning​
Inquiry Learning​
Insight based learning​
Reinforcement Learning​
Peer Learning​
Applied Learning​

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